• Revocable Living Trust
  • Last Will & Testament
  • Certificate of Trust
  • Pour-Over Will
  • Financial Power of Attorney
  • Medical Power of Attorney
  • Mental Power of Attorney
  • Living Will (end of life decisions)
  • Beneficiary Deed (AZ Property)
  • Recording Fees & Notarizations

All Advanced Directives (Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney, Mental Power of Attorney) are registered with the AZ Advance Health Care Directive Registry.

  • Last Will & Testament
  • Beneficiary Deed (AZ Property)
  • Financial Power of Attorney
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Living Will (end of life decisions)

All Advanced Directives (Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney, Mental Power of Attorney) are registered with the AZ Advance Health Care Directive Registry.


  1. PROPERTY INHERITANCE: When you pass away, your house will automatically transfer to a person you choose to inherit the home, outside of probate.
  2. PEACE OF MIND: The deed is recorded with the county recorder’s office and you may name more than one beneficiary.
  3. POST DEATH HOME OWNERSHIP: Ownership of your home will only pass to the beneficiary upon your death.

Not having a will or a trust when you die can lead to a nightmare for your loved ones. Your assets may be distributed according to state laws, leaving your family members with nothing. Disputes among family members can lead to costly legal battles, and taxes could eat away at your estate. Having a plan in place can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones and can assure that your wishes are carried out after you pass away.

  • Protect Your Assets
  • Avoid Probate
  • Minimize Taxes
  • Choose Guardians for Minor Children
  • Plan for Incapacity
  • Reduce Family Conflicts
  • Assure Your Healthcare Wishes are Honored

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